Miami tops U.S. rental market competitiveness

Miami is the most competitive rental market in the U.S. with 19 renters per unit, a 94.1 Rental Competitiveness Index score, and apartments usually rented within 36 days. 73.6% of renters in Miami renewed their leases, with only 3.5% of rental units available. Florida has a high rental competitiveness with an RCI score of 78.9, the highest in the U.S. Broward County and Orlando also show high...

Para las personas que alquilan en EE.UU., la posibilidad de tener una vivienda propia va de mal en peor

El "sueño americano" de ser propietario de una vivienda se complica con la subida de las tasas de interés y los altos costos de alquiler en Nueva York. La Reserva Federal no planea bajar las tasas pronto, lo que afecta a los consumidores. La inflación y la falta de viviendas asequibles plantean desafíos para los propietarios y los inquilinos. Continue to full article...

Rising Housing Costs in Miami

Miami is experiencing a housing affordability crisis despite a low unemployment rate. Many residents, like Bárbara Aguilar, are forced to work multiple jobs to cover expenses due to soaring living costs. The median home price has doubled since 2018, making it hard for low-wage workers to find affordable housing. The city's fastest-growing jobs pay $19 or less per hour. Some employers are building...

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